In an era of darkness, where forces of evil lead Third World Youth down the wrong path, a trio of super powerful renegades from different regions of the Third World has emerged: The Mastermind, The Hacker, and The Assassin. These mysterious heroes are the Third World Youth’s only chance left to take down the oppressive evil that reigns over them. In this third installment of the series, danger, deception, and difficulties surely await. But is all hope for both peace and glory lost?  
In an era of darkness, where forces of evil lead Third World Youth down the wrong path, a trio of super powerful renegades from different regions of the Third World has emerged: The Mastermind, The Hacker, and The Assassin. These mysterious heroes are the Third World Youth’s only chance left to take down the oppressive evil that reigns over them. In this third installment of the series, danger, deception, and difficulties surely await. But is all hope for both peace and glory lost?  

Third Snake 

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